In our kibbles, we integrate the larvae of the black soldier fly, also called “Hermetia illucens” in order to replace meat as the main protein.
So yes, it's a rather curious name, but it's above all a great source of protein adapted to the carnivorous diet of our 4-legged friends. We'll explain everything to you!
These larvae are complete and rich in essential nutrients , such as proteins, essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which aims to improve the nutritional quality of our kibble.
In addition, their breeding requires significantly fewer resources compared to traditional livestock or poultry breeding and constitutes an ethical and sustainable model.
Insect protein is a high quality protein because it is complete , meaning it contains all the essential amino acids needed for the growth, development and optimal health of dogs and cats.
It poses no risk to their health and fits perfectly into their natural carnivorous diet .
It is also a superfood because of its high protein content of at least 55%.
Insects are a great source of energy due to their high lipid content, especially in the larval stages.
They are rich in good fats, vitamins B, B12 as well as minerals such as iron, zinc or calcium. Insect protein therefore offers all the nutritional contributions necessary for a balanced diet.
Insect protein contains a large number of amino acids, including those essential for our dogs. That is to say, they must be provided by food because the dog's body does not know how to produce them. Here is the list: argine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. For half of them, insect protein contains a greater quantity of amino acids than beef or chicken .
Amino acids play a crucial role in building protein and are essential for the proper functioning of organs, physiological processes, and the immune system. They also ensure the maintenance or increase of muscle mass.
(Brad Ewankiw, BS Agriculture. April 14, 2021. Black soldier fly-based dog food — a novel protein that's both nutritious and sustainable).
Food allergies in pets are usually triggered by proteins they have been regularly exposed to, such as chicken or beef.
According to studies, 34% of dogs are allergic to beef, and 15% to chicken.
As for cats, 18% would show signs of allergies to beef and 17% to fish.
(Mueller RS, Olivry T, Prelaud P. Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (2): common food allergen sources in dogs and cats. BMC Vet Research)
Insect protein is considered a hypoallergenic solution and can therefore help relieve allergies.
When it comes to digestion, you can rest assured: insect protein is perfectly suited to your pet.
According to several studies, it reaches a digestion rate close to 90% , so that it is as easy to digest insect protein as meat or fish. ( )
This way, your companion will be able to enjoy food that is easily assimilated and beneficial for their digestive health.
✓ Their production and breeding have a low environmental footprint , requiring fewer resources such as water, food or agricultural land.
✓ They are fed with unused vegetables and plants , insects thus contribute to the reduction of food waste.
✓ They have a short life cycle , which means they reproduce very quickly.
This allows for faster and less resource-intensive production.
Bones, cartilage, feathers, hooves... so many animal by-products hidden behind the attractive chicken or fish fillets displayed on the packaging of most cheap kibbles.
That's why at PONGO, we care about the well-being and health of our animals by offering insects as a rich source of high-quality animal proteins and essential amino acids. This premium alternative is also much more environmentally friendly than producing kibble based on real pieces of meat and fish, which is harmful to the environment.
Discover our products now and be part of the change!
An environmentally friendly factory
Our choice fell on EntoGreen, a factory based in Portugal, near Lisbon, which we had the opportunity to visit.
EntoGreen is committed to the development of sustainable food solutions by focusing on the implementation of biomass-based technologies. Their objective is to valorize nutritional waste from the agri-food sector by reintegrating it into the value chain.
Leveraging innovative bioindustrial technology, Entogreen seeks to contribute to the sustainability of the agri-food sector by solving two major global problems: nutritional shortage and food waste.
Breeding conditions
Adult flies are raised and live in ideal conditions that promote their reproduction and the production of large quantities of eggs. These eggs are then introduced into a plant-based food mixture specially designed by EntoGreen, allowing the optimal development of the larvae.
Three phases are necessary
1. Thanks to the producers, our factory recovers non-valued plant products of controlled origin (olive pomace from the Mediterranean region). These products are used to feed the insects, which thus follow a completely vegetarian diet.
2. After a few days, the larvae have grown and digested all of the plants.
3. The larvae, rich in high-quality protein and good fats, are then processed into protein powder.